About Screaming Claws

Screaming Claws serves as a network for like-minded experimental artists to collaborate and convey their work to an international audience. The collective aims to generate weekly musical/visual transmissions in order to keep its members motivated and to stretch the web of artists involved as widely as possible. As the network expands, opportunities will open up for periodic group improvisation sessions or for travel in performative or educational capacities, bridging the physical gap between artistically united individuals. Screaming Claws wants to help its artists grow and develop together - and we want you join us.


Natalie Chami (TALsounds) / Brian Griffith (greyghost) / Steffi Neuhuber / Ang Wilson (Teasips) / Nicholas Davis (Passerby) / Black Biuti / Thomas Grimm / dang!fever / Em Vécue Aquieu / Fantasie Fred / Kanoi / Kyle Landstra / Matthew Dotson / Mr. DougDoug / Günter Schlienz / White Boy Scream / Quicksails / Zara Ruckus /
Craig Wedren / Kasi Engler


Screaming Claws specializes in unconventional releases and highly encourages improvisational processes. We like to play with the the idea of a Delayed Improvisation where the composition is created by seperate improvisations inspired by previously recorded takes. In 2013, we did a series of weekly releases that showcased a different artist each week. We continue to showcases releases by our artists.

Albums and Singles
All The Way by TALsounds, Released by Hausu Mountain on cassette
Secular Liminality by Electric Sound Bath, Released by Thunder Clouds Records on cassette
Medium Strong by TALsounds, Released by Book End Recordings on cassette
Mugen Series Volume 2 by TALsounds & Greyghost, Released by Hausu Mountain on cassette
Pharaohs by greyghost
Sky Face by TALsounds, Released by Notes and Bolts on cassette
Beyond the Wall of Sleep by Screaming Claws Collective
Not Yet, But Forever by Screaming Claws Collective
Delayed Threeway by Screaming Claws Collective
Waynebradiohead by Grey Brady
Live at Saki by l'éternèbre

Year of Weeklies
SCW - 01: January 2013 l'éternèbre, TALsounds, Steffi Neuhuber, Black Biuti and greyghost
SCW - 02: February 2013 Screaming Claws Collective, LOOPGOAT, greyghost, Steffi Neuhuber and Thomas Grimm BONUS VIDEO
SCW - 03: March 2013 TALsounds, Craig Wedren and Brian James Griffith
SCW - 04: April 2013 Steffi Neuhuber, TALsounds, Black Biuti
SCW - 05: May 2013 l'étenèbre and Blackquartet BONUS VIDEO
SCW - 06: June 2013 Screaming Claws Collective, TALsounds and Steffi Neuhuber
SCW - 07: July 2013 TALsounds, Steffi Neuhuber, Brian James Griffith, Zara Ruckus 3 BONUS VIDEOS
SCW - 08: August 2013 Brian James Griffith, l'étenèbre and Zara Ruckus
SCW - 09: September 2013 Brian James Griffith, WHite Boy Scream and l'éternèbre
SCW - 10: October 2013 Black Biuti, Thomas Grimm, Günter Schlienz, Troy Schafer, Nicholas Davis and MrDougDoug
SCW - 11: November 2013 Matthew Dotson, Screaming Claws Collective, TALsounds and Brian James Griffith
SCW - 12: December 2013 Kanoi and Kyle Landstra
SCW - 13: January 2014 Kasi Engler, Brian James Griffith, dang!fever
SCW - 14: February 2014 Günter Schlienz, Brian James Griffith, Steffi Neuhuber, Natalie Chami, Craig Wedren, Cinchel and White Boy Scream


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Background Image by The Current Sea